Let us release 2018 with grace and gratitude for what she’s taught us and the tools, wisdom, and experiences she’s given us. This past year we got to see big bold egos at play in the wide open, in our politics, boardrooms, and in the denial of climate change while our cities burned. And then the ageless wisdom arose in the feminine rising in politics, new entrepreneurs rocking socially responsible businesses, and our children standing up to the older generations to demand they take responsibility for the planet they are leaving in an unconscious consumer-wake. We saw transparency, the end of plastic straws (in many places), veganism making news, a call to end single use plastics, and the end of abuse both to women and nature. If you look between the headlines, you’ll see wisdom waking and slowly inspiriting the chaos of this past year. And…OMG, so glad it’s over! 🙂
2018 whispered to us that the world is entrapped by ego, then she yelled it. We now know what we DON’T want as much as what we do want. Grace shows us our own way forward, and shedding the ego’s hold on us is at hand.
When you review your year, do me a favor and give yourself some kudos, it’s not easy being human—as my mom says, earth is the learning planet, and that doesn’t mean she’s an easy planet for any of us. But we made it, you made it, we are here now, together. Our egos are slipping away, losing hold of the reigns of “wrong and right” “us and them” “Left and Right.” It is time to see us all as souls made into form by creation; it is the pure force of creation which birthed us, so let us reclaim creativity as a response to 2018 as we step into the year ahead.
My entire life shifted in 2018. I left Simon & Schuster, began a new endeavor: MagicHour (which will be unveiled to you in early 2019), and deepened my lifelong commitment to bring light and inspiration to the world. I have nearly completed the first draft of Goddesses of Ojai , a novel that will bring humor and light to the travails of spiritual growth and the evolution of humanity (just that :)). My son graduated high school, my daughter began 3rd grade at the Krishnamurti school, and our hearts healed as our community rebuilt after the Thomas Fire.
2019 will hold many delights. I will be sending you the MagicHour details soon, as well as the courses and retreats we will be facilitating in 2019. We are announcing/proclaiming 2019 as the Year of Magic.
To kick off the Year of Magic, I will be hosting a complimentary online gathering for us to set our intentions for the year on the first New Moon of 2019. This is open to everyone and I hope you will join me and a global community of light-bearers whose creative work will be manifest in our world this year.
I will leave you with a few thoughts, little wisdoms that have been my learnings in 2018, I hope they illuminate a beautiful next breath or thought for you. I hope to see you at the New Moon Mastermind on the 4th! We will be moving through my practice of “10 Steps to Mind-Body-Spirit Success” which I’ve been teaching now for a decade to great results. Again, it’s free online and will benefit your creative spirit. The only thing separating you from your ultimately creative life is the ego—which is easily overcome and tamed with practice.
Creativity is the space where everything is possible
A creative life is sincere, egoless, honest and earnest
Creating opens the world to possibility
Creativity is God moving through you
When you are scared of your own creativity
When you lock it up or close it down
When you deny it or run from it
When you judge creativity or try to stop it
That is your ego stopping life through the illusion of control
Which is like telling the earth to stop spinning.
Creativity is present, innocent and pure, the ego is judgmental, controlling and unkind.
Your ego is the attachment to the past or the future, the voice in your head saying “That won’t make you famous”
Or “People will think it sucks”
The ego is the ignorance in each of us,
Which is ready to be lit from within,
wanting to be illuminated and freed
Create a ritual of liberation
At dawn and dusk, the ego fades to awe.
The ego does not want to be in charge,
it only strengthens when you don’t focus on your soul
The soul of creativity is as pure and true as the earth itself,
dancing around the sun, singing to the moon
To erase the ego’s hold,
Be awake at dawn and present at dusk
To the turning of the earth as she spins
And like she creates day and night without pause
Be like the earth, move without doubt
Pay no attention to the noise, the news, the ego
Know you are a creator, within a planet, moving through a universe
A dot in a galaxy, a passenger of flight
Creativity, creating, is your birthright.
And so it is, and so shall it be, Happy 2019 dearest ones, may your creativity be set free.
Join us here: 2019 Your Year of Magic
With Magic,
If you have a friend you think would benefit, share if you care!