This is the second in the three-part series about your brand. Remember, if you are alive, you are a brand. It’s how you walk, talk and proceed in the world…it’s the vibe you speak, write, sing and share.
I wanted to take a moment today to tell you about a concept I first learned from my teachers Gay and Katie Hendricks. I then did a deep dive with it with my friend and client Suzy Batiz, and am now studying it again with and for my newest client, Dr. Beth McDougall of the Clear Center of Health.
It’s called Resonance.
Resonance is a scientific term for that which vibrates at a certain level, and how it attracts and harmonizes with other things via energy that vibrates at the same level. This is a basic way of saying what is profound. Suzy explains it best when she says that resonance brings you more aliveness. Those things, situations, people and products you resonate with will give you more aliveness. Those things that feel jagged or depleting are, well, not resonant with you.
How does this apply to branding?
When you resonate and project a specific promise, you create what Norah Jones says is a “sound.” We are all sound and light current collected up into individual bodies emanating a resonance, or as the new agers call it, a “vibe.” When others resonate with your promise, product or message, they more effortlessly come to you to share in the delicious, energizing feeling of aliveness.
I call being resonant harmonization, which is why when I founded my consulting firm in 2010, I called it Concordia Creative. Our tag line is: Harmonizing Creativity with Ability®. To harmonize with your own offering first, then to project that harmony as a resonance (marketing) into the field of energy we call existence is to create a spiritual experience of growth for yourself, while infusing that growth and experience into a product or offering for the world. This is one-way business can be seen as a sacred offering, an expression of your resonant self.
Watching kids on a playground is like a case study in resonance branding. You can see a group begin to mingle, and then two groups and then three. Some kids will bounce around checking out one cluster and another until they find a group they can play with. Resonance looks a lot like friendly acceptance, vital discovery and energetic conversation it’s a feeling of “I belong here.” Everyone wants to belong.
Your platform is built by your resonance. If you resonate at a level that attracts women who want to start a business, then they will begin to come to you. If you are resonating as a person who wants to serve the elder community, you will give the energy of openness naturally to them through your language, design, and approach to seeing the world. Whatever you want to experience in your creative work and business, you need to first feel deeply as an energy within you that you want to project. From that projection, your ideal resonant audience will make their way toward you.
To lift others with a higher resonance through your message, brand, and way of being is world-changing. It’s a powerful play on your part and well worth it.
Resonance is when you vibe with a certain flair, flavor and authenticity and your vibe attracts your tribe. This is physics—that which vibrates at a certain level will attract those that vibrate or wish to vibrate at the same level—toward you.
My friend, colleague, and former COO of Republic of Tea, Stuart Avery Gold, once said to me (and I quote him all the time):
People don’t buy brands, they join them.
So, my question to you is this:
What are people joining when they connect with you?
Are they joining strength, joy and curiosity?
Are they joining hope, wonder and positivity?
I hope this resonates with you, and if it doesn’t you probably didn’t get this far in the post J. If you did, and you want to share your ideas about branding, resonance, or ask any questions, please meet me in the comments here!
I hope to see you on the 11th at the New Moon Mastermind, remember, it’s free and fun and we get sh*t done!
If you have a friend you think would benefit, share if you care!