As a strategist for business and creatives, I find that persistence in perspective separates the most successful and happy folks from those who may be financially successful but inherently insecure in what they are here to offer the world. What does that mean? That having a clear and consistent point of view is the key to a path of joy, even in the face of the big changes and the unraveling of old systems and beliefs in our world.
Persistence in perspective is a master’s journey, and if you’re in business or writing a book, leading a team, or coaching others, you’re on it.
My perspective is clear just after my morning meditation. I feel grounded, centered, and able to excel at my day. When the email box opens up, the news feed triggers, and the kids throw me curve balls (anyone out there raising a teenager—you deserve some extra hugs), it can feel as though the once steady ground is on wheels. I may realize there are some deadlines missing from my Outlook calendar, or my husband is out of town during a time I’d scheduled a conference—inevitably, something arises that is bound to destabilize what calm had permeated my post-meditation mind.
In these moments, it’s easy to lose perspective and become reactive. Our persistence in our worldview flags. We may doubt a decision or waffle over a pending choice. We may feel unsafe or frustrated.
This is where we need to expand our perspective, remain persistent, and continue to move toward our goals. Goals give our days purpose, and perspective. Persistence is a stubborn optimism that finds solid ground again, even if that solid ground is charred, cracked, or on another continent.
What feeds your broader, brighter perspective? In times as harrowing as those we’ve had this year with the climate changing faster than our infrastructure can manage, I have found a lifeline in morning and afternoon rituals. I share these in hopes to keep you strong, joyful, and engaged in your highest perspective, always, persistently.
Morning Perspective Rituals
While many of our lives are held steady in persistence, they are not always centered by our higher purpose’s perspective. For me, persistence in the daily rituals allows my mind a constant cleansing bath, opening my eyes to unexpected nuance and opportunity. When we can see clearly, we can make clear decisions. When we can persistently center, we can achieve audacious goals. The point is to find what works for you to keep your heart and mind connected. What matters is that you feel like you can get your head above the clouds in order to chart a distinguished, fulfilling path. You are on the mastery road of creating your life, day by day, word by word, interaction by interaction. Do what it will take to keep yourself well-cared for, and watch the world meld to your higher perspective in miraculous ways. If we can keep our persistence of perspective, I am confident we can recreate our world.
What keeps you clearly connected to your higher purpose? I’d love to hear in the comments.
Here’s to your success, today, tomorrow, and always.
If you have a friend you think would benefit, share if you care!