Are you ready to join 100 million households and meet the hosts of Wake Up?
Transformational leader Cindy Ertman joins Betsy Chasse of What the Bleep, Natalie Ledwell of Mind Movies, and Zhena Muzyka of Change Maker and Life by the Cup for an am wake up call.
Forget everything you think you know about talk shows. This is the Talk Show that the world has been waiting for on how to live a better life. From alternative medicine and brain training to the true power of happiness. Get ready because it’s better than a cup of coffee…
Interviews with some of my favorite leaders of the day like Jack Canfield and Lisa Nichols spreading passion all over the world, what’s not to love!
“If you are not afraid every day, you’re stagnating.”
~Jack Canfield, Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Don’t stagnate. Join us May 9th for the premiere episode of Wake Up! Cut down the stress, change your belief systems, and practice some self-care with us. Challenge your ideas about life, see possibilities, feel nurtured, and learn how to tap into your intuition.
“I’m so excited to be sharing the show and the stage with such impeccable women who are doing great things in the world.” ~Zhena
“I believe we all have this amazing ability to rewrite our own story and create a new vision for our future.” ~ Cindy
“Every single day I wake up, so grateful that I get to connect with people all around the world and make this difference.” ~Natalie
“One person watches this shoe, one person sees it, and it gives them peace in their heart that they are going to be ok, then my work on this planet is done.” ~Betsy
Tune in starting May 9th at 8am on POP!
Until then, be sure to LIKE the Facebook page and keep up with all the goodness that is coming:
If you have a friend you think would benefit, share if you care!