If you’re like me, you love to be useful, yet that usefulness doesn’t always lead to living in your “Zone of Genius”
The physical detox I underwent in Thailand this summer helped to reset my body, but when I returned home, I had to carry out a task and to-do list detox in the same fashion. Regular detoxes for our bodies are key to remaining healthy, but what about our ongoing lists of to do’s? How do we know which to eliminate and which are just bad habits we love to habituate?
It’s easy to add things to our lists, but looking at what we can remove from our lists is more important as it frees us up for the key tasks that will move us toward our destinies. Here are the three key questions to ask yourself as you decide what should stay in your day and what should go the way of last week’s leftovers!
1. Does it light me up?
2. Is it relevant to my soul?
3. Does it add love to my life and the world?
Does it light me up? We all want to feel alive in our daily lives, right? YES. But sometimes there is a gnawing feeling that we are wasting our precious time when we’re doing something better suited for another human. Lately, I have been finding myself sourcing little tea strainers and blending small batches of tea leaves again. These are not things that will bring in hordes of money or “maximize my social impact” and perhaps I’m “playing small” but I will tell you—I am lit from within. I am happy to tinker with a rose petal and ounce of Tulsi with a drop of mandarin oil until it’s simply perfect…and someday that blend might soothe the nervous system of a million women…so remember, what lights you up might not be to launch a seven figure online program today, it might be to bake a cake and that “task” should remain on your list, no matter how “small” it might look in the moment as long as you feel lit by it.
Is it relevant to my soul? Your soul has a whole different set of principles and measurements for success than the outer world’s ideas and judgments would. I find my soul asks me for different things than I think I need, but that always create more beauty in my life. The soul will make you an original. When you look at your list of pending action items ask yourself: Is this relevant to my soul? Your soul will tell you where to go and what to do which might completely surprise you. My soul wanted me to get back into tea. My ego was like, “NO WAY LADY, YOU ARE NOT GOING BACKWARD! YOU ARE TOO BIG NOW TO START FROM SCRATCH” but my soul was like, “Listen, there’s a song in the air, follow me…” The soul changes your trajectory, it won’t take you down a linear path, it will give you unexpected doorways to walk through—walk through those, explore and report back, we need the soul to lead us the way our bodies need water.
Does it add love to my life and the world? Our world is in need of people focused on love. If you can see, hear, taste, express, and share more love through something on your list then you should absolutely do it. When I look at my list, I can honestly say I love everything on it these days. I’ve been able to take risks and cut tasks from it that didn’t add love to the world. Launching Magic Hour was to create pleasure and connection for others, to increase the moments of love through sustainable luxuries people can love. It’s even in our tagline: Ceremonial Teas Made with Love. Because love is worth your time. Love is worth your energy and love is worth all the attention you have. Do I love dealing with the accounting? No. If I am doing the accounting does it add more love to my life? No. So, that’s easy to delegate. Do I love spreadsheets? No. Do spreadsheets add more beauty to the world? No. Done, we changed from using spreadsheets to using automation for inventory—easy. Does that thing you think you need to launch or do add more love to your life and the world? If so, go for it. If not, set that loveless item free.
I hope this list helps you, it was my soul’s request to write it for you, it wasn’t on my list of to-do’s today but there it is, in black and white, here for you. The next Magic Hour Tea Circle is September 11th, if you’d like to attend in person please reply to this email. We had a hard time with the Zoom in my teepee last week and so I apologize to those who tried to login.
For those who DO want to be with me via Zoom, please sign up for the New Moon Mastermind. The new moon is Friday August 30th, but we’ll host our Mastermind on Thursday the 29th at 6:30PM PST. The link to sign up is here.
Sending each of you a task list filled with love and soul-quenching to-do’s. Our world needs you lit up and sharing your soul’s love.
If you have a friend you think would benefit, share if you care!