As a strategist for business and creatives, I find that persistence in perspective separates the most successful and happy folks from those who may be financially successful but inherently insecure in what they are here to offer the world. What does that mean? That having a clear and consistent point of view is the keyRead More
“Arrange whatever pieces come your way.” –Virginia Woolf Virginia Woolf once said a woman has to have money and a room of her own to write fiction, I’d like to revise the notion now that we’ve got the internet and times have really changed. I say we do need space of our own, aRead More
A couple years ago, I had a near psychological meltdown. The fires and drought in my home state were evidence that life was changing and water would soon be more valuable than any other element on earth. I was dealing with more drama with Sage’s dad than ever and it was tearing our familyRead More
I don’t know about you, but I love stories. I love reading them, watching them, writing them and making them up for future novels and screenplays I’ll someday write. Stories are the very fabric of our experience here on earth. We remember the ones that uplift or scare us, and we tell and share theRead More
A few thoughts on writing… Bali Journal It rained all day in Nusa Lembongan. The Mangroves swayed in the rising full moon tides. As the tide receded in the late afternoon, I could see only remnants of rebar and rope, a cemetery of coastline, destroyed by the seaweed harvests for the Japanese beauty market. AsRead More
Yoga.Meditation.Writing.Bali Zhena is hosting an exclusive group of writers for a transformative experience in Ubud, Bali on June 18th to the 24th, 2017. We’re taking the power of Zhena’s Author’s Academy and combining it with the lush, exotic, inspiring energy of Bali. Throughout the week we will workshop your book and you will have accessRead More
Finish Your Book in 6 Months! While we all have great intentions to write and complete our books — it often feels daunting when we are not in community! Many members of our tribe have requested mentoring, mastermind access, and/or literary consulting, as well as to continue the connections some have made throughRead More
Last night I awoke in a long, elaborate dream that lasted the entire time I was asleep. In the dream, I was dropped into an engagement with Donald Trump. By engaged, I mean–TO BE MARRIED. In the dream it was Monday, our wedding was slated for that Friday. Married. To Donald Trump. WTF. In theRead More
Dear friends, I’ve been busy building Enliven Books, running Author’s Academy, and consulting with my clients and have not been writing much the last few months–and today I’ve recommitted to my writing. So, to get this started, I am going to post some stories and rough draft chapters that didn’t make it into “Life byRead More
All the tools you need to write, publish, and market your book! Small group, in-person, writing retreat with publisher and author Zhena Muzyka in gorgeous Ojai, California (90 minutes north of Los Angeles) Empowered Author’s Academy will educate, inspire and motivate you by giving you the tools, knowledge and connections to write, market and sell yourRead More