Initiations-Transitions-Rituals While I thought this five-week Mom-Daughter trip was about me showing Mia the world, it has revealed itself as an initiation of my own. This journey has shown me that I am now stepping into the role of wise woman. My child is only 9-years-old, and a beauty. In each country we’ve traveled, she’sRead More
So often we don’t even know we’re under a spell. Scrolling social media and the news on a screen is one way to lose your connection to the world around you.
To be present in your life is the point of your life.
This moment—take it!
This breath—breathe it!
This chance to love—share it!
Hello from beautiful Porto, Portugal! It’s been a while, I miss you, thanks for being here on the ZhenaTV email list with me:). If you don’t remember why we’re here, it’s for this simple reason: To inspire you to live the mind-body-spirit of success…not success in mind and not body, and not success in bodyRead More
Let us release 2018 with grace and gratitude for what she’s taught us and the tools, wisdom, and experiences she’s given us. This past year we got to see big bold egos at play in the wide open, in our politics, boardrooms, and in the denial of climate change while our cities burned. And then the ageless wisdom aroseRead More
Visit Club Magic Hour I came to Ojai exactly 22 years ago today. It was my 22nd birthday, and today is my 44th. 22 is a significant number for me, as it’s a master number and happens to be my personality number in numerology. But even more, it signifies that I have now lived exactlyRead More
At this time of year, let us begin our goodnight ritual for the end of 2018. Let us bring 2019 closer to our hearts by first asking ourselves how to make the remaining days fresh and original. Let us rebel against the consumption spell and set our hearts free to be together—to have our holidayRead More
I’m in Loveland, Colorado this week sitting at the feet of master storyteller, author and divine teacher Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes—the author of Women Who Run with Wolves (my all-time favorite book). We are learning about Original Voice and the soul of creativity. Dr. E has taken us through several days of story based on the DarkRead More
This week started out like any other. The Monday morning launch meeting for Enliven Books was fabulous. I presented Quantum Success, The Ghost Photographer, Living Light, and teased out Revolution Generation. All of these books I’m quite excited about, and the response to them was fabulous. I was flying “high” as I do when presentationsRead More
When was the last time you spent a couple hours in total silence? Have you ever taken a silent retreat? Would it be possible to have more silence in your busy life? Medical studies are proving that silence renews us, and more of it leads to a life with less stress, less fear and anxiety,Read More