As a strategist for business and creatives, I find that persistence in perspective separates the most successful and happy folks from those who may be financially successful but inherently insecure in what they are here to offer the world. What does that mean? That having a clear and consistent point of view is the keyRead More
A couple years ago, I had a near psychological meltdown. The fires and drought in my home state were evidence that life was changing and water would soon be more valuable than any other element on earth. I was dealing with more drama with Sage’s dad than ever and it was tearing our familyRead More
When I feel like I’m not sure of my next move, I have a practice I call Love in Detail (which is also my next book). I will take notice of all the details around me, bring awareness to the love that is inherently found in my point of view, breath, and then takeRead More
Ten years ago, I went to a ten-day silent meditation retreat called Vipassana as taught by S.N. Goenka. What I learned was simple, excruciating, and mind-blowing—literally. While I recommend you do this retreat, it’s not realistic for the majority of us to go away for ten days with no contact with the outside world…but, theseRead More
Dear Ones, some thoughts… The ego and the soul At once, the ego jumps to a solution. It levels the odds, bridges the divide, and saves the world. The ego polishes the silver and counts the money. It wants what it wants the way it wants it. It defends its home, city and views withRead More
Last night I awoke in a long, elaborate dream that lasted the entire time I was asleep. In the dream, I was dropped into an engagement with Donald Trump. By engaged, I mean–TO BE MARRIED. In the dream it was Monday, our wedding was slated for that Friday. Married. To Donald Trump. WTF. In theRead More
Last November, I took the plunge into my last lifetime. I didn’t know whether I believed in past lives or not, but I did know that my children came into this world with crystalline clear memories of other lifetimes. When I met Ann Barham, therapist and past life regression expert, and acquired her book TheRead More
The Diamond Cutter-principles on wealth, love and living a life of generosity with Geshe Michael Roach The first Westerner to complete the extensive twenty-five-year training in the monastery, Michael Roach was sent to New York to start a diamond business. The goal? Raise one million dollars in a year using the law of get this…karma.Read More
“What if we started to design technology as a tool for profound positive transformation?”~Mikey Siegel Mikey Siegel began his journey working with robots with companies like NASA, MIT, and Audi. A search for meaning took Mikey’s passion for tech to a whole new level in “Conscious Hacking.” What is this new path of Transformative Technology?Read More
What is a Medical Intuitive? “What I do is I can raise my vibrational level to a very fast rate, and I can communicate with spirits, and I can also read people’s energy fields. And, this is normally done remotely… I look at their energy field, and it’s almost like I have an MRI orRead More