Project the Life You Want On the Screen of Your Mind Law of Attraction Expert and Entrepreneur, Natalie Ledwell, had an epiphany after watching Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret. Something had finally clicked. Running multiple businesses with her husband Glen and still unable to pay the bills, Natalie knew something was missing… “My biggest take awayRead More
Are you ready to join 100 million households and meet the hosts of Wake Up? Transformational leader Cindy Ertman joins Betsy Chasse of What the Bleep, Natalie Ledwell of Mind Movies, and Zhena Muzyka of Change Maker and Life by the Cup for an am wake up call. Forget everything you think you know aboutRead More
#RealLiveTransAdult “Although social acceptance for transgender people is growing, parents continue to abandon youth with gender-identity issues when their children need them most, advocates say. 49 percent of transgender people attempt suicide. Transgender youth account for 18 percent of homeless people in cities such as Chicago, but researchers estimate fewer than 1 in 1,000 peopleRead More
Ending Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo with Intel Over 5.4 Million Congo Civil Conflict Deaths … Did you know that microprocessors, the brain of your electronic devices, contain minerals such as gold, tin, tantalum, and tungsten? These minerals are referred to as “conflict” minerals because they are often mined in conditions of armedRead More
Desperation Turned Lifelong Gift, A Conversation with Helene Lerner “True confidence isn’t fearlessness; it’s having the courage to move forward while your knees are shaking.” Overweight, exhausted, and distraught, Helene Lerner found herself hanging one foot out of a window, on the verge of suicide. It was that Saturday night, in her apartment on theRead More
The Magic of Passion with Purpose: Jewelry Founder & Designer, Satya “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the single candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” ~Buddha One night, at a yoga teacher training, Satya had a dream that she would create aRead More
Dear One, Before I started my last business, Zhena’s Gypsy Tea, I was told I would need several things to be successful: 1. Money 2. Experience/ an MBA 3. A team 4. A go to market strategy What I had reflected nothing on that list: 1. Debt & a credit score of 300 2. ARead More
Imagine the gorgeous flicker of candles across a fun, yet elegantly laid out tabletop. The scents of bergamot, jasmine, and lavender are wafting through the air as joyful voices rise, then cascade into laughter. Your friends are relaxing into an atmosphere of renewal and comfort drinking rich tea from cups with exquisite designs. Can youRead More
Dear Friends, In my 20’s, I got married, divorced and engaged 3 times. I also had Sage the day after my 25th birthday. At 29, after Sage’s surgeries and the tea company’s first million in revenue, I was engaged to someone I didn’t love but had lost hope that true love could be mine. AndRead More
My husband and I have been married for 8+ years. Together for 10+. We have a 4-year old together, and he has helped me raise my son, since my son was our daughter’s age. I never thought finding a man who would be comfortable with my ferocity for freedom would be possible until I metRead More