Today we bring POP!Tip #4 to you, lovely human. This is the Media Training workshop which is the 4th of the 7 workshops I teach in the POP 7-month mastermind. It’s where the “rubber” of platform building hits the “road” of taking the stage…preparing you to get your message, art, book, service, and/or productRead More
In the third month of our signature POP! Mastermind program, we dig into the epic recesses of our inner calling in order to build an outer model for becoming discovered. This is poetic speak for: We figure out how to have fun Marketing. I’ve re-branded marketing as Discoverability, so I’ll be exchanging that word fromRead More
It’s the 2nd in the POP! Tip series! This series is meant to guide you as you build your platform/brand/book/art/business audience. We are launching the next POP! Mastermind and wanted to share with you some of the goodness we delve into in the 7-month business mastermind. Here goes! In month two, the POP!Stars designRead More
Welcome to the POP! Tips Series, where I share some secrets to building an addictive platform to grow your audience for your business/book/art/cause/life! Today’s POP! Tip is: Trust the phenomenon of your calling–your destiny doesn’t lie. For years I’ve put off writing a novel. Twenty-one years ago I moved to Ojai on aRead More
Full disclosure beloved: this is an offer post…but will hopefully entertain you 🙂 Last month, I graduated from being a publisher at Simon & Schuster. Four years and a degree in possibility. It was one of the greatest honors of my life to work alongside some of the greatest minds in the literary world. IRead More
The Virgo New Moon is about responsiveness and attentiveness to the details of your intentions. This leads to clear the way for thoughtful, inventive, and focused action on how to manifest our dreams and goals. So many of us say we want something, work really hard to get it, then yield to not accomplishingRead More
The New Moon in Leo is all about PRESENCE. We’ve all had the experience of a lack of presence in a relationship, in a task or in a goal. Bringing presence to your intentions is key to manifesting your vision’s true potential. If you focus on your pain and suffering, you’ll get more.Read More
This is the second in the three-part series about your brand. Remember, if you are alive, you are a brand. It’s how you walk, talk and proceed in the world…it’s the vibe you speak, write, sing and share. I wanted to take a moment today to tell you about a concept I first learned fromRead More
Happy summer, Creatives! I hope this finds you inspired and enjoying the long days and warm nights. My son is in France for the summer, Mia is in a production of The Jungle Book, and I’m writing, resting, and meditating on the changes we are experiencing in our world. I’m also excited to chat with youRead More
As I continue my annual spring cleaning ritual, I’ve been thinking about why we collect, gather, accumulate and seemingly attract more stuff into our lives. With my coaching & consulting clients, it’s often the same—except they accumulate ideas, products, and projects—there is a “more is more” mentality that I believe comes from deep below theRead More