“Human connection and connecting really well with people who are very different from you, whether from another country or just a different social background, socio-economic status, that can be the powerful key to social change.” ~Kate Otto
We have so much opportunity for connection through technology, but it can make us lose “real,” human connection. People want to create change, but often don’t know how. That is where Everyday Ambassadors come in…
What does it mean for “everyday” people to become an ambassador for change?
“You can be an everyday ambassador literally on your own block, in your own hometown, without ever leaving at all. Because, being an everyday ambassador is being someone who cares about meaningful human connection and develops the skills to do that.”
These concepts of being everyday ambassadors are starting to seep into everything. Our technology, how we buy our groceries, how we farm, how we vote, all of that.
What can we, as everyday ambassadors, do to create change with our daily choices?
Technology has brought us awareness, but we have to use it in a way that creates positive change. The more exposure we have to each other’s hearts, the more understanding and acceptance grows.
Endorsements for Everyday Ambassadors
At the end of the day, everyone wants the same thing- safety, healthy children, love, and peace.
“Kate is the ultimate example of how someone can mobilize the spirit, the heart and a true love for mankind to become an Everyday Ambassador.” Alicia Keys
“Disparaging her generation’s addiction to multi-tasking and superficial digital connections, [Kate] offers hard-won critical insights to others who want to be of service in the world as she discovers that the way to change the world is to change yourself.” Susan Davis; Co-author, Social Entrepreneurship
“Everyday Ambassador articulates some of the most important trends of our time. Through Kate Otto’s travels and stories we can’t help but reflect on our own lives and the incredible importance of the everyday hero that is in each of us.” Daniel Epstein; Founder of Unreasonable Institute & Unreasonable Group
Learn more about the book, the #AmbassadorOf campaign, and join in on the movement by visitinghttp://everydayambassador.org
Listen to the full episode of Change Maker with Kate Otto
Play.It: http://www1.play.it/audio/change-maker-with-zhena-muzyka/
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/change-maker-zhena-muzyka/id951166221?mt=2
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