A New Vision: Zhena.TV

Dear friends,

I’m excited to share a new vision with you, a place where we can share and communicate over a cup of tea: Zhena.TV

We are in our “soft launch” meaning not all of the pages are up, the products are not yet inventoried and the “how-to” videos are not yet posted, but you can see the intentions of this beautiful project–to inspire YOU.

With this soft launch comes time to take notes, fix bugs and collaborate with you on what you’d like to see on Zhena.TV. We are taking contributions for blogs, video classes you’d like to teach and uplifting content you want to share. So feel free to comment here on what inspires you, what you would like to see, and how we can best serve you as you travel the rim of your very own “Life by the Cup!”

From Tea to TV, A New Journey for Life, Love and Business Pursuits, thank-you for joining us all.

With love,


If you have a friend you think would benefit, share if you care!